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Alexander Dan

Alexander Dan’s first novel, Hrímland, was published in 2014 and he immediately established himself as one of the country’s leading science fiction novelists. However, the path to publication was not easy for Alexander. There is little tradition for sci-fi novels intended for adults in the Icelandic book market and no publisher was willing to bet on Hrímland. Alexander ended up self-publishing the book in Icelandic, which turned out to be a stroke of luck. The British publisher Gollancz was taken by the book and bought the publishing rights to it, along with a sequel. Hrímland has now been published in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Hrímland’s sequel, The Storm Beneath a Midnight Sun, is expected next year. Alexander is also the editor and publisher of the magazine Furðusögur, which deals with fantasy literature and science fiction. In addition to writing and writing lyrics, Alexander is the lead singer of the band Carpe Noctem.

Alexander Dan takes part in two programs: History, Psychology, Sci-fi and Stranger Than Fiction.